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I can't believe it's been a couple of weeks since my last blog. I'll be honest, writing hasn't been first on my priority list. I found out in March I had a serious health issue happening and my writing took a backseat for a few weeks. The good news is that I am getting back in the saddle. I'm waiting for the first set of cover proofs for Amends and I'm working on that historical romance piece again. The outline for the next Retribution novel is underway and big news about DragonCon is coming soon!

Meanwhile, I'm also taking care of myself and not rushing the creative process. On April 29, it was confirmed that I have lymphoma. I'll meet with my oncologist in a little over a week and we'll talk treatment plan. The good news is that my surgeon feels it's a very treatable form of the cancer. I'm holding onto that. I have books that need written, things I want to do with life, I need to get myself healthy.

Thank you all for your support and any positive energy you can send my way. I plan on beating this and continue to tell the stories of Zartan, Antonia, Marissa, and the rest of your favorite characters. Keep your eyes open, Amends will be coming soon!



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