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The Story You Deserve

Someone asked me recently why I take so long between novels. Yes, some authors put out three or even four books a year. Most years I put out one. Sometimes, I'll put out two. Why? Because I want to give you the story you deserve.

If I rush through a novel, I make mistakes. Small ones. Changing the color of someone's eyes or hair. Using homonyms wrong. (This one is my Achille's heel.) Sometimes big ones, like screw up the timeline and forget someone is currently living in Russia. I appreciate you as my readers and I want to be sure I get it right.

As it is, I'm usually two books ahead of you. I have the next Retribution book "done" and I'm writing the next Fallen book. The Retribution book hasn't come out yet because I like to give my mind a couple of months to rest before I start the editing process. I find that I have a better product when I can take the time.



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