Release Day
I had my release day for the next book in the Retribution series last week. (I also got my first reviews on Amazon and Goodreads, 5 stars, yay!) Amends is doing well, now I cross my fingers and hope for good reviews. Getting reviews is one of the most difficult parts of being an author. You can only beg your friends to leave reviews so many times, yet reviews are a huge part of the algorithm that determines if your book is going to come up on recommendation lists.
If you love an author who isn't nationally known, one of the best things you can do for them is to leave positive reviews on their books. Whether Goodreads or Amazon, those reviews are gold to them. Follow them on social media, engage them. Send them a message or email telling them how you enjoy their stories. Being an author can be a lonely job, support from our readers is what keeps us going.
So take a minute and think about that awesome book you read this year by a lesser known author. Reach out, connect. Post a review.