December Got Away from Me
Yikes! I log on today to write this blog and I realize I went almost the entire month of December without a blog. Oops! The month got away from me between my day job, writing, pets, baking cookies, and sprinting toward the holiday. Unfortunately, my sprint doesn't end with Christmas. I sang yesterday and have two gigs this week - one on Thursday and then a big New Year's Eve show on Friday. Saturday, I finally have a day off (sort of). We'll be heading to a hockey game with friends to celebrate the New Year.
I'm prepping myself for some lifestyle changing this January. Like many of us, I've put on a few holiday pounds. It's time to get back to eating healthier. I don't like calling it a diet - that implies it's short term. For me, managing my lupus is much easier when I'm eating well and exercising. It really is a lifestyle adjustment. I did really well through most of COVID but seriously fell off the wagon in the last few months. Now it's time to focus again and get healthy.
It's also time to re focus on writing. The last few weeks have been distracting and hard to concentrate. I'll be doubling down in the new year, recommitting myself to the next Fallen novel (I'm about a third of the way through the first draft) and getting the editing done on the next Retribution novel. (Book is finished, editing is in process.) This is the hardest part about self-publishing, staying on a deadline you set yourself.