"Looks" to Be Trouble
Everyone is a marvelous writer until you run your editing software. I use Autocrit to help me with my grammar issues. I work the story,...
Reading Addiction
The worst thing I have that keeps me from writing is reading. I love to read. In the last six months, I've reread two complete series...
Zartan is Driving Me Crazy!
Zartan. He's going to be featured more in the next Retribution novel - he's been making me crazy. It seems he's got a lot more to say...
Keeping Busy in COVID
COVID has been keeping me at home more than usual (hasn't it done the same to all of us?). But that doesn't mean that I'm not staying...
Ahead of Schedule
I'm ahead of schedule? What? I didn't know that was even possible! After a tough January when I felt constantly behind, I'm finishing...
Uncontested Champions
I recently reached a significant goal at my day job. This goal marks us as one of the "best" in our industry. I'm proud of this goal. ...
Living in Two Worlds
Since announcing the release of The Fallen, the first novel in my second series, I've been asked if it's confusing to live in two worlds...
Business as Usual
Being a writer is fun. You can share your stories, no stress if anyone reads them or not. Being an author is a different beast all...
The Line
There’s been an interesting conversation happening around the watercooler at work this week. Where is the line? The line in question,...