Uploading to Printer
I'm uploading my files to my printer today for Orphan of the Fallen. Each step in the publishing process takes time, patience, and a...
I've been working on the first draft of a new novel and it's been a struggle. I have the outline. I know what the beginning, middle,...
48 Hours and Counting...
Friday is day 1 of my favorite weekend of the year - Dragon Con! I look forward to this weekend when I can embrace my nerdness, listen...
Back from the Homeland
I spent last week visiting family back in the homeland (Ohio). Aside from picking the hottest week of the year (according to Ohio...
Dragon Con, Here I Come!
I'm so excited Dragon Con is happening this year. I missed it last year (cancelled due to COVID). While I know there will be COVID...
End of Summer
For those of us who live and die with the school schedule in Georgia, we've reached the end of summer. School starts tomorrow in my...
I've lived in my subdivision for eleven years. (I can't believe it's been that long....) In all those years, I've used our pool less...
Nashville Love
There was no blog last week because I was on a business trip to Nashville. I love Nashville. The city gives me a little boost of...
The last few days have been a bit gloomy for me. I've been looking back at some memories of students who have gone on to bigger and...
Rum and Radio Waves
I'm sitting on my back patio with my laptop, a glass of rum and coke, and I'm working on a short play about the history of rock and roll....