I can't believe it's been a couple of weeks since my last blog. I'll be honest, writing hasn't been first on my priority list. I found...
Catching Up on Napping
Just when everything is moving smoothly, there's a bump in the road. I'm temporarily on pain meds for a minor surgery I had on Monday. ...
Let me start with an apology. I'm sorry for the delay in my blogs - I try to write something for you every Wednesday, but some...
When is the next Retribution novel coming. Probably the most asked writing question I get. Soon. Very soon. Amends is in it's final...
Castle or Manor?
I'm working on that period romance piece I've told you all about. I originally wrote this rough draft years and years ago, before I...
Rainy Day Pains
Twelve years ago I was diagnosed with lupus. At the time, the pain in my joints was so bad there were days my legs couldn't hold my...
Dog Groomers
I'm waiting for a first time appointment with a dog groomer while I write this. She's 20 minutes late for my appointment (not a good...
A New Genre
The work continues on the piece with the embarrassing grammar. After getting all the way to the end, I've decided the bones are so good...
Embarrassing Grammar
While Amends is being read through by an editor, I've pulled out an old novel that I wrote over a decade ago. It's a romantic novel that...
Creating the Mood
When I sit down to write, I need to create the right, "creative" mood. When I was younger, I would write things out long hand first,...